Matthew Parris, one of many MPs who have failed to survive on benefits for even a week, has headlined in The Times today under the banner, ‘We must ask whether generous benefits for conditions such as stress have made opting out of work too attractive’. Oh give over, Matthew. The Department for Work & Pensions’s own figures show they are the ones diddling disabled people of out money allocated to them. What you trivialise as ‘stress’ includes conditions such as brain damage, profound developmental delay, and post-combat complex PTSD.
Read moreGive Over, Matthew Parris. We Know It’s the DWP Screwing Over Disabled People: the Backdating Trick
‘And then the DWP said there was nothing wrong with me, and had I thought about a job with Deliveroo?’ (Painting: Les Mendiants Pieter Brueghel the Elder. See also Disability Arts Online.)