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A selection of Gertrude Bell's photographs from Jerusalem / Palestine (including modern Israel) 1899-1900, with discussion.
A selection of Gertrude Bell's photographs from Jerusalem / Palestine (including modern Israel) 1899-1900, with discussion.
A516p 'Haifa, Corn Market', June 1900
The team researched this photograph in Haifa, but the site no longer exists.
A86 'Jews from Bokhara', December 1899, taken in vicinity of Jerusalem
Bokhara (Bukhara) in Uzbekistan is a Silk Road city, and a historical centre of Islamic culture. It was also home to the Bokharan Jews, who settled there in the Roman period. Most Bokharan Jews left the city between 1925 and 2000 and emigrated to Israel or the US, so this early photograph of diaspora Bokharan Jews near Jerusalem in 1899 is of great interest.
A22 'Jerusalem City Walls SE Wall' December 1899