Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference - TRAC
All the Open Access TRAC publications, taken from
Below are listed all my TRAC papers, which are available through the Open Access Publications section of the official TRAC website.
'Introduction: TRAC (Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference) 1991' in Theoretical Archaeology Conference: First Conference Proceedings (1993) edited by Eleanor Scott. Aldershot, Avebury; pp 1-4
'Writing the Roman Empire' in Theoretical Archaeology Conference: First Conference Proceedings (1993) edited by Eleanor Scott. Aldershot, Avebury; pp 5-22
'The hoarding, deposition and use of pewter in Roman Britain' by Rob Poulton and Eleanor Scott in Theoretical Archaeology Conference: First Conference Proceedings (1993) edited by Eleanor Scott. Aldershot, Avebury; pp 115-132
'Women and Gender Relations in the Roman Empire' in Theoretical Archaeology Conference: Second Conference Proceedings (1995) edited by Peter Rush. Aldershot, Avebury; pp 174-189
'Tales from a Romanist: a personal view of archaeology and equal opportunities' in TRAC 97: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference Nottingham 1997 (1998) edited by Colin Forcey, John Hawthorne and Robert Witcher. Oxford, Oxbow Books; pp 138-147
'Unpicking a myth: the infanticide of female and disabled infants in antiquity' in TRAC 2000: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference London 2000 (2001) edited by Gwyn Davies, Andrew Gardner and Kris Lockyear. Oxford, Oxbow Books; pp 143-151
'15 years of TRAC - reflections on a journey' in TRAC 2005: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference Birmingham 2005 (2006) edited by Ben Croxford, Helen Goodchild, Jason Lucas and Nick Ray. Oxford, Oxbow Books; pp 111-115
'Introduction: the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference turns 21' in TRAC 2011: Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference Nottingham 2011 (2012) edited by Maria Duggan, Frances McIntosh and Darrell J Rohl. Oxford, Oxbow Books; pp 1-3