'Beadlam Romano-British Villa, Yorkshire'
This previously unpublished paper - 'A villa in its Romano-British context. Case study: Beadlam, Yorks' was written following a visit to the site with David Sherlock the then English Heritage Inspector of Ancient Monuments for the area. He thought I should write a paper with an 'alternative' interpretation of what was found at Beadlam.
I didn't think my thoughts were especially radical, to be honest - but my 'mainstream' was TRAC!
Then and now, I think the role of the aisled farmhouse on Romano-British villa sites needs to be better understood. That both villa houses at Beadlam were of the corridor type, and not the aisled farmhouse type, seems significant.
LINK - 'A villa in its Romano-British context. Case study: Beadlam, Yorks'. Plan: Beadlam Roman villa, Yorkshire. Source: http://roman-britain.co.uk/places/beadlam.htm, adapted from Britannia 1 1970 p 278 fig 5